

Tiliapia are one of the most frequently cultured fish in the world, with the aquaculture of Tilapia considered a nutritious and healthy part of a balanced diet. Tilapia can be raised in ponds or tanks. While Tilapia can survive in temperatures ranging from 55˚ – 100˚ F, optimal temperatures range from 75˚ – 85˚ F. Breeding Tilapia is relatively easy to do, though sexing them as juveniles is quite difficult; typically, those interested in breeding either order a breeding colony or they order a group of juveniles and allow them to mature together, then move established breeding colonies to their own tank.

Six Different Types of Tilapia for Sale

We offer six different types of Tilapia for sale, including Blue Tilapia, Hawaiian Gold Tilapia, Black Mozambique Tilapia, Red Nile Tilapia, White Nile and All-Male Tilapia. Some states have banned certain varieties of Tilapia, so it is important to know your local regulations before ordering.


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